Advent Awakening Series: Part 6 Christmas

Date 21 Dec, 2022

The following liturgy video and podcast episode are part of FIRST UNITED’s Spiritual Care ministry’s Advent Awakening series.

Advent Series – Merry Christmas!

Listen to the last episode from An Uncomfortable Advent podcast series by Lauren Sanders, Indigenous Spiritual Care Chaplain, and Pastor Peter Sanders, Ordained Clergy with Presbyterian Church USA:

The Arrival of Christmas

Watch the Christmas video by Rev. Jennifer Goddard-Sheppard, Interim Spiritual Care Director.

Rev. Jennifer Goddard-Sheppard has evolved a “WTF!? Where’s the Faith” ministry since 2009. Exploring the intersections of faith and other “F”’ words! What started as a youth group of Where’s the Faith, Where’s the Food and Where’s the Fun, has evolved into a philosophy and way of life.

May you have full confidence, belief and trust in the heavenly promises given to you…


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. ( Hebrews 11: 1)

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through who we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. ( Romans 5:1-2)

Faith is a belief that is not based on visible proof. It is a trust you can build upon.

Receive the gift of faith.

Rev Jen’s WTF!? Rant. Where’s the faith!? Words that flow.

With this faith, Willing to follow, Willing to fail, Willing to fall

Willing to feel, Wading through Fear,

With this faith, wandering thoughts flow, Watching time fly

Where’s truth found

Why truth first

Why trust faith

wondering thoughts fly

Welcome these Friends

Welcome those feelings

Wondrous things follow

When these fall

Western Theological Frameworks

White things first

Wanting things fast

Waging the fear

Words that frighten

When truth’s first

What’s the future Way to follow

With this faith

Willing to follow

Willing to forgive

Willing to forget

With truth first

Willingly Talk Faith

Words thoughtfully flow

Ways tenderly flourish

Wounds that fester

Welcome truth flowing

Welcome the fellowship

Welcome the feasting

Welcome the force 

I AM, The Way, The Truth, and the life!

Wearing the faith

Welcome the fellow traveler

Welcome the way maker

Welcome the friend we find in Jesus.

Welcome the Folx we meet here at First United.

Welcome the feelings of Hope, peace, joy, love, which live here.

Where’s the Faith!?

Amidst and amongst the people.

Where’s the faith!? With and for the people. All the people

 Where’s the faith!? Incarnation! God with us. The breath of life.

Wow! That’s fantastic.

Why truth first!? Because TRUTH Matters!

Here at First United and around the world.

Where’s the faith!? In you, with you, for you!

Born in us this day!

Amen and Merry Christmas. With love from Rev Jen!

Lighting the Advent Wreath: The Way Maker

Leader: Advent is the season of preparation and waiting.

(Light the candles of hope, peace, joy, and love)

All: We have prayerful work to do.

Leader: The Advent season has ended.

All: With hope, peace, joy and love, the Christmas Season has arrived.

(Light the Christ Candle)

The light of Christ shines for all. A light of hope, peace, joy, and love for all. We will go and shine our Christ light in and for the world.

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